Sunday, December 18, 2005


Today Angel and I toured bits of Asian L.A. We got Vietnamese sandwiches at Lee's in Fullerton, then we went to Rowland Heights and I caught up on Hollywood gossip while she got a (very cute) haircut. Then we got cheap boba (I got watermelon strawberry), went to a Korean market (for about a minute), a Chinese market, another Chinese market, and then met her summer internship friends at Life Plaza a couple blocks down and shared some yummy Kung Pao Chicken. (I think that's what we got...) Then I scored some sweet Japanese stationery and stickers. When we got back to MV Angel got to put an ornament on our tree (she chose the crazy huge "deer in gazebo" thing that we've had forever though I have no clue where it came from; I chose a bunny wearing an alligator suit).

The highlight of the entire evening, though, was when we were in Chinese market #2, and a mentally challenged guy about my age standing in the aisle next to me told me that he thought I was "outstanding." I think it was probably because I was the only non-asian looking person in the whole store.

Now, of course, I feel like sleeping, not editing video. Le sigh. and I do NOT want to go to work tomorrow.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

mmm December 18th... it's been a while :P

11:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder if anyone checks this any more :) I miss sassafrassy :(

2:08 AM  
Blogger Chris said...

I kind of miss this too.
but analog dreamer is nice as well.

8:15 PM  

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