Saturday, December 17, 2005

I am so tired

Today we went to LA to move kina out. Then we went and got our tree from the boyscout lot. I have pictures on flickr though of course in true flickr form they're in backwards order. Oh well.

almost healed!
My mom decorated the living room with her collection of nutcrackers and my dad flicked on the gas fireplace (grr but at least it still smells like fire) and we lit the candles and it's very nice, but I can't be there because I have to edit this video for them.

Tomorrow Angel and I are going to LA to eat Vietnamese sandwiches and cheap boba, peruse asian markets, and get her hair cut. w00t w00t.

I am so tired of being so tired. I need to sleep for 24 hours straight to make up for it or something. Though that'd probably just make me feel dead.

Too tired to type any more "a href"s or go into rich text mode so I'm gonna paste in some URLs:
Cool free wiki but haven't tried it. Like the logo though.
I would be one happy camper if they brought Futurama back.
This made me laugh.
This made me CRY.


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