Monday, December 05, 2005


This week is going to be interesting. I actually have a full week of hard work ahead of me. Today I had a 15 minute presentation at a 3 hour meeting (and nerves + freezing cold room = I was trembling the ENTIRE time even though there were only 10 people there and I was sitting down), tomorrow I have a call scheduled with a lady from Dell to talk about past and future joint business practices, then I have a lunch meeting with my boss and the Property Markets Manager of a large chain of senior residential properties, and that night I'm probably going to LA to see Kina play at ground zero, on wednesday I have a status report meeting with my boss, then a meeting with two people from retail and marketing operations to discuss our options with computing, on thursday luckily I just get to take a chunk of time out to go to lunch with my department, and on friday I have a demo meeting. Some time in the next couple of days I need to get the names of ten more seniors, call all sixteen and invite them to the focus group (and get at least ten people confirmed), and I need to call the rest of the complex directors and ask them the questions I'm asking tomorrow, and I need to talk to someone about renting space in the community center tech room and I need to talk to high schools about service partnerships. Some time next week I need to hold the focus group, which will require a ton of work and a report afterwards. Before I can hold the focus group I need to have responses from the questionnaires back and have assembled sample bundles and somehow come up with price points even though our financial person is on maternity leave. Tomorrow I need to deposit some questionnaires and ON NO I have to draft up an invitation to the other focus group to leave at the complex we're going to visit...and I should go to the two nearby senior centers and leave some there, too...aieee!!!

I am so not built for this business It's all way over my head. Makes me want to go to UCI for two years and get a Neuroscience major. Or something.

The scary thing is, I think the teen market study is going to be more difficult than the senior market. All seniors want to do is email and look at pictures and do searches on health and genealogy, and they want to do it easily, with big visible buttons, even if they're ugly. Teenagers will want everything, and it will be totally impractical, plus it'll all have to look amazingly cool. How on earth will I deal with that. At least I'll have an easier time getting focus groups together. Not that any productive information will come out of them.


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