Sunday, December 11, 2005

Oooweeoo I look just like buddy holly

Today at my very favorite Japanese Market I saw bootleg copies of Advent Children for 20 bucks, bootlegs of the Steamboy soundtrack for 11, the real Steamboy and Appleseed soundtracks for 20, Howl's Moving Castle for $60 ($90 special edition), the entire Steamboy Box Set for $120 or $180 (I forget which), and a calendar with THE MOST CUTEST PICTURES OF KITTENS I HAVE EVER SEEN, EVER.


I could have died.

Tonight Kyle called me up last minute and we ran out to see Pride and Prejudice at Downtown Disney. Aside from the fact that my bottle of water made me have to go to the bathroom with an hour left in the film, I liked it. The romantic-ness Homage to Girls Everywhere (the last scene) would have been more appreciated if Kyle hadn't been cringing during the whole thing and distracting me. : ) It was very sweet, though, and I did like it very much. I just think that Keira skinnybones has a scary toothy smile. I swear I can count about sixty teeth when she pulls that lower lip back, and then she always opens her mouth, and it's a little bit frightening. Kelly Reilly is so pretty. I loved her in L'auberge espagnole. Even though she played a ***** in this movie. I really liked the BBC miniseries with Colin Firth--five hours gives you a little more space to flesh out the dynamics of the relationship between Lizzy and Mr. Darcy, I think. This movie, as all good hollywood films are wont to do, played up the romantic potential right from the start, which kind of takes away from the feel of the book. Also, having an actress renowned for her beauty play Elizabeth kind of takes away from putting so much stress on her amazing personality and intellect being her key to success, while Jane's is her looks. Oh well, though, that's hollywood, and I'm not even a big fan of those Jane Austen-type books anyway. I avoided reading most of them in high school--of Emma, Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensibility, and any others in that vein, I probably only really read one. Though I do want to read Wuthering Heights.

Today I had dim sum for lunch, and emi just brought home a salmon skin hand roll, so now I'm really itching to go eat sushi. Mmmm salmon mmm maguro tako ika uni hamachi hokkigai amaebi mmmmmmmmmmmmm.

I wish me and my friends could all lucid dream so we could meet up and have adventures.

Oh oh and you're mary tyler moore


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