Sunday, December 04, 2005

Linkage, Pt. 8

Totally sweet
Disturbingly gorgeous fractals (especially farther down). I mean, some of these are wall-worthy! I mean, study wall, not living-room wall, maybe, but still. Actually, some of them are probably living-room worthy...depends on the decor, I guess.
Ingenious site navigation design, with a sense of humor to boot
I enjoy good photos of nature, if you haven't already guessed
An actually really useful site for booking space in hostels, for anyone with plans to travel...
Fun for some, terrifying to others
I'm really impressed by this handiwork. I think I'll check back on Mrs. Cruise in fifty years to see how accurate it was.
Creative techniques for stimulating all looks like too much work for me.
Another google cheat sheet, this time for advanced search operators. Excellent.
I want one

and finally, if all that isn't enough to keep you busily avoiding what you really should be doing, there's always this.


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