Friday, December 16, 2005


Oh, so hey mr. "I saw side-by-side 30 inchers"--

Today I took a tour of Calit2 at UCI and saw stuff like electron microscopes made by Carl Zeiss worth 2.5 million dollars and labs where they can synthesize DNA. And then...

We walked into a room and the first thing that caught my eye was two ceiling-high stacks of black boxes with white apple logos. Then I looked to my left and noticed a wall-sized grid of monitors, silver, with--little apple logos on the bottom! 10 wide, 5 high--FIFTY 30" MONITORS MADE INTO ONE GIANT WALL. Then I peeked behind the screen and saw 25 2.5GHz DP G5s. I almost squeezed my aunt's shoulder off, but if I hadn't done that I might have audibly squeaked. I think I did, actually. Now that they've made it and used it for things, Apple actually wants to get involved and help them figure out how to get rid of or minimize the frames so that the image is less interrupted.

And while that may be extreme and unfair to hold over you, I did see a desktop 3-30 incher setup on a nearby desk, so that's fair enough to compete with the dual screens. I don't know how they supported that, though, since natively they only support 2. I thought.

The lady there at Calit2 told me about a new graduate study program at UCI called ACE--MS in Arts Computation and Engineering--and looks like an interesting concept. Too bad it involves lots of CS and engineering...things that hurt my brain. Touring that facility made me wish I was a scientist, though...makes me want to force myself to do something like that just to get access to the cool labs.

They're also building the third part of their trio of huge, new, and pretty CS facilities financed by the Mr. Bren who build the arena that I saw Green Day perform at in high school and used to have Kempo tournaments at. Apparently it's not too shabby, I dunno.

The focus group? Let's just say....learning experience.


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