Monday, December 12, 2005

New videos on kina's site

I just added two videos from the show last week to the media page of kina's site. As a true big sister, it is my job to proselytize, so I bid you to go see it. (If it's been a while since you looked at it, I've changed things here and there.) However...I don't want to make her bandwidth costs jump too much, so maybe I should be kind and post them on some temporary free hosting for you all to get it from. Haha! See how I'm assuming you want to see them? I promise, I picked these two songs because they're new and not recorded yet and some of my favorites. Pardon the bad audio, the setup wasn't optimal. But I have a new love: H.264 encoding.


...meh. Too much work. I'll just deposit a buck or two into her account at some point. Go, look. Enjoy. They're pretty.


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