Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Daddy called it the singing bridge

The show was good. I had to choose between doing my work here or going to see her play, and I chose the latter, since I can live with a few less hours of sleep but I haven't heard her play a long set in a long time. Finally met Chris, too. (Nice meeting you, Chris.) Had an Earl Grey Milkshake, which was HEAVENLY. Saw Colin again and heard his awesome "eclectic funk" band play after Kina. (Lead singer=hip hop vocals + violin, awesome drums, grand piano, congas, electric guitar, probably a bassist but I didn't notice.) Aside from some technical issues with her tuner, she did great, inside-out t-shirt and all. And if she'll let me, and if the footage isn't worthless (I wasn't manning the camera, so I dunno) I want to try to put clips of Memory and maybe Breathe Honesty up, just because it's a sin that neither of those are on either CD.

I'd better make a ton of phone calls tomorrow, and I'd better get more volunteers for my focus group, and I'd better not have my dollar eaten by the popsicle machine again.


Blogger Chris said...

geez this is old and really brings back memories. maaan.

PS: i don't know if i said it already, but it was nice to meet you too. even if i'm like a couple of years late, better late than never right? :)

3:38 AM  

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