Monday, December 12, 2005

Holy Shamoley!

I saw round-trip airfare, LA to Tokyo, for $340 today. Not online, but through a travel agency. Lowest I found online was just over $500. Why this talk of Tokyo? My grandma might be going in the spring to talk about a book deal and I might tag along if my job here is done. Heh, heh. *rubs hands together sinisterly*

Today, while I was waiting for a meeting in the lobby of a senior community, I overheard some hilarious conversation between a trio of "age-qualified" people sitting next to me. (Apparently that's the new PC name for them...well, at least, for the boomers when they start retiring.) I forgot my notes at work so I can't go into detail, but I will give you a little taste:

old man: do you 'find whoopie' or do you 'make whoopie'?
old woman: well, if you're talking about the person, then you'd 'find whoopie', but if you're talking about having a good time, then you'd 'make whoopie'.
old man: so, can you 'have whoopie' or is it 'make whoopie'?
old woman: it's 'make whoopie' unless you're talking about the girl named whoopie.
old man with walker: d--do you mind if I sit here?
older woman: do you make whoopie?
old man with walker: ...o--oh, my whoopie days are short.
older woman: but have you made whoopie?
old man with walker: ...y-yes...
older woman: well, as long as you've had it, that's good.
old man with walker: whoopie days are over, I think.
older woman: I think mine are, too.
old man: "whoopie days, are here again..."
old woman: I think it's "happy days are here again"
old man: ...oh yes, that's right.

Actually, that may have been the best of it. The rest was just a bit of talk about Popeye and someone being proposed to.

Also, Justine Bateman (of Family Ties fame) is going to guest star with her brother Jason (Michael) on Arrested Development on January 9th. Sweet. Fox, you are such sillyheads.


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