Sunday, December 04, 2005

War of the Worlds = they're fertilizing the earth with BLOOD!!!!! eeeeeew!

I love The Wizard of Oz...I love their voices! I love the tin man's eager tone and the makeup on the scarecrow. The cowardly lion always looked so mushy to me, but I liked him anyway. I love the technicolor. Dorothy's voice is so soft around the edges and yet strong and full of emotion. The wizard feels like he's straight out of MST3K: the movie. (It's the Braaack show, starring me! I'm Brack!)

I really like the book This Book Will Change Your Life (and its sequel). But maybe I should work on getting through more of my 101 Things To Do Before You Die first.

Today was one of those days where I meant to do everything but nothing got done. It was nobody's hour or two of errands became six because we were unlucky, but no matter. I chose non-frustration, and was better off. :) Plus I got five sweet new cigar boxes. Tomorrow, then, I'll go pick up a few Senior Santas.


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