Thursday, December 01, 2005

This is unfortunate.

"Pavia, Love and NGF"

Jamie says:

"Suppose this was corroborated, and that further such discoveries were made.
Would you revise your ideals of eternal love under scientific duress? Or would
you opt for the William Jennings Bryan route?"

However, I beg to differ. This finding doesn't necessarily disprove my own admittedly unrealistic ideals, because I never claimed that the butterflies could last forever. Things become less fiery, perhaps, and that's fine, but that's different from a complete fizzle. So no, I don't feel the need to revise my pipe dreams just yet. But still, it'd be nice if we could come up with some way of prolonging the Year One effect. (That's not to say that people never surpass that mark, but you've gotta admit that couples celebrating 25 years who are still as lovestruck as they were on day 1 (or 1-365, rather) are few and far between, those lucky something-or-others.)



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