Sunday, November 13, 2005


Today Kyle taught me how to drive a manual transmission vehicle (again). So now the list of people who have tried to teach me goes (in no particular order, mostly because I forgot the order): JP, Eric, Kyle, my dad (though I don't know what car we used since god knows I wouldn't touch the mini until I didn't think I was going to destroy it), and maybe more. All in all, I've probably had 5 or 6 lessons. This time Kyle explained to me the actual mechanics of the engine and the clutch, and now the whole process makes a lot more sense to me, and I have a much better feel for it. I actually did pretty well. The only things I didn't do were go in reverse and learn to double-clutch in a downshift. (Because really that's just being fancy.) I went all around the local CC campus, full of hills and stop signs and speedbumps. But every time someone was behind me I'd get scared and stall out. Oh well. I'm still not ready to hit the streets.

Then I had a carne asada burrito.

My uncle knows the treasurer of Apple. Still don't have a chance at employment, though.

Tomorrow I have five hours of meetings.

When I was little my dad used to tuck us in and then rub his fingers together (thumb and curled forefinger) audibly right above our heads and tell us he was sprinkling flying dust on us so that we'd have flying dreams (and he told us he'd come meet us and we'd go flying together). I could have sworn I felt that dust tickling my face...


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