Friday, November 11, 2005


On the heels of the bad news I found a video clip online that I assume came from the Season 2 Extras. It was David Cross in his Mrs. Whatever (Doubtfire ripoff) fatsuit and fake boobs ranting about how if a show that won a godzillion awards was getting bad ratings maybe it was the marketing team's fault. It's very funny in typical David Cross fashion. I wish I could show it to you, but I don't have a cheap way of hosting video.

Making iTunes download videos via has been a genius move on my part, because it means I get good stuff like:

-A weird Swedish (or something) music video called Hvad fanden sker her? Blip! Blop! Wee! Kitch!
-cute indie cartoons like an eye for annai
-the video of the art project they did in belgium or something in the subways by putting a mac mini and a projector on the side of a subway car and projecting video (anywhere else they would have been arrested for planting bombs I'm sure)
-old german disco how-to videos
-awesome commercials, like the dancing citroen robot a la voltron
-good SNL clips
-cool indie films
-the world of warcraft coke commercial from china
-the pink elephants clip from dumbo
-the creepy Beauty Kit short series
-music videos
-the famous clip of the blue screen of death that happened at a windows 95 press release
-cat herders
-random coding tutorials
-the really drug induced Unicorns L.A.
-a terrible music video from the 70s (that Apache song that you've all heard before even if you don't know it)
-a terrifying old cartoon by Max Fleischer called Swing you Sinners! that you may have seen a long time ago
-breakdancing battles
-cool tech demos
-cool cartoons by an indie 3d animation studio
-someone strapping a camera to the front of their ferarri and driving through paris at ten billion miles per hour (kilometers, sorry)
-the absolutely beautiful sony commercial where they dumped a trillion superballs down the streets of San Francisco
-um, someone walking through a cornfield
-a gross video of a toreador where you see the bull slowly dying from being stabbed in the heart and then the neck :(
-Strippers for Jesus
-marching bands and vikings
-kevin costner in an apple lisa ad

and the list goes on. so there you have it. some of them are amazing. others just good for a laugh. but yes, all this video content is making me giddy. I'll share it with you if you'd like, but you'll have to ask, because I'm not gonna post it. :)

Today I was productive.

Goodnight. :)


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