Wednesday, November 02, 2005

lasting impressions

-those swords weren't sharpened
-I heard tie fighter noises when the tank was turning
-liam neeson's nose is amazing
-bat mask = weird jawline
-batman's voice = kind of funny
-christian bale - looking more like an actual man now. scary.
-I still am not a huge fan of whatsherface tom cruise's baby's mommy katie holmes that's it
-I dig the new and improved bat logo, though the curves of the old one are still quite nice
-I guess it's not actually new and improved, since it's a prequel, so I guess it's the "first draft"
-gotham looks like chicago. If it's supposed to, I don't know these things, so leave me alone. If it's not, does.
-funny, I was thinking just how much I'd like to try spelunking when he took a trip down into the future batcave
-my sister has a crush on that dr. crane guy.

All in all, I really liked that movie, even if I did watch it alone in my bed on my powerbook screen with headphones on. Definitely a good way to pass the time (gee thanks daylight savings) though I totally didn't realize it would end post-1 AM. Oops.

I wonder what I would see if I got hit with the blue-flower-vapor. (Oh, wait, that's an easy one.) Okay, I wonder what I would see if it skipped fear #1 and went deeper, for the more sinister psychological fears. Hmm...

ps--please don't read these and think I enjoyed the movie on a purely superficial level. I took a lot more away from it, too, I just don't feel like writing seriously at the moment. but that's the case with a lot of things in this journal, really.


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