Saturday, November 12, 2005

I forgot how much I like the strokes

Today I decided to accompany my mom on a trip to LA to drop off some CDs with my sister. The reason for my going was so we could stop at a rubber stamp convention on the way back and pick up some cool crafty ideas. What actually happened was that we left early in the morning, I tried in vain to fix my dad's stupid Dell at work, we went to Hermosa Beach to pick up the Michael Jackson-esque jacket we saw when we three sisters went several months ago (late birthday gift), showed up at USC way late (1:30 instead of 12ish) and didn't leave campus til 2:30. I got to meet Jeremy Fisher (and my how Hubert has grown!) and saw how skilled Hubert is at shedding.

Then we went to Santa Monica and ate lunch at 3, then got frozen yogurt at 4 at a place called Pink Berry. I am in love with Pink Berry (I have their sticker on my phone now). I have pictures but I will put them up later when I am less lazy.

Then we got stuck in traffic on the way home and didn't get back until 7. Now I am tired and kind of bummed that that is the case since we didn't even get to go to the convention. Tomorrow I may go out and practice driving standard (again) with Kyle. We shall see.

I intended to have much more free time this weekend.

I really* need to put my portfolio together.

*-as in really really.

ps-Somnambulist is one of those songs that feels like it's tearing through my chest in the crescendos. Best listened to loud or not at all. Better listened to while moving quickly. Pure adrenaline.


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