Wednesday, November 09, 2005

things, things, always things.

-my dad is fine. thank you to everyone who wished him well. the surgery went swimmingly and he's busy lying in a hospital bed tonight. he comes home tomorrow. they gave him pressure socks that squeeze the blood back out of his legs so he won't get a blood clot. he also has an IV, so I spent a lot of time writhing in the corner. I don't really like hospitals...they smell weird and scare me. Maybe that has something to do with the reason I don't like shots (incident@3yrs).

-drinking too much soda is going to leech the calcium from your bones and give you osteoporosis. too much fruit juice has too much sugar. fake sugar always turns out to be bad for you in large quantities plus it has a bad aftertaste. what's left to drink? water, I guess, and gatorade when you exercise. oh, and milk. good health is so boring. ;)

-kina's EPs got delivered today. if I was supposed to keep that a secret...well...I don't think I was. they look terrific. sound real nice, too.

-I started work today (and left early because I felt like blah). I have a cubicle that I'm going to adorn with photographs tomorrow. my computer is running windows 2000 and the monitor is from the stone age, but at least I have high speed internet. step 1 was to change my desktop picture. I feel better already. I also beat the system and installed firefox even though I wasn't supposed to be able to. heh heh heh.

and I have an ID card on a neoprene lanyard on one of those cords that you can pull out and it snaps back. I am so cool.

-one of the greatest things in the world is the experience of eating M&Ms that are the opposite of stale. I'm not sure how else to refer to them. (fresh? who knows.) when they're stale, they're just good, but when they're perfectly crunchy they're heaven. also, I don't like nuts in my cookies or on my ice cream (most of the time), but for some reason I love peanut M&Ms.


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