Friday, October 28, 2005

The question is this:

Do I spent 30 dollars plus gas money (say 15) to go see TMBG on tuesday the 8th in San Diego? That's sort of when I'm supposed to be in northern california with おばばさま, but buying plane tickets on this short notice will be too pricey, right? I should wait a few weeks to do that, RIGHT?

I owe it to them, I think, since they're so great in concert and I just spent 45 to see CoCa down there. However, maybe it's about time I cut down on the spending a little past few credit card bills have been a little bit insane...

But they're so GOOOD!

(sings: "they might be giants--OR--they might be giants...")

Hey who wants to go visit Seattle with me? (I say after saying I shouldn't spend so much money...sheesh. I'm incorrigible.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You should definitely go :)

8:30 AM  

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