Thursday, October 27, 2005

this time

in my falling-asleep stage (before I was really in the thick of things) I managed to dream about something so stressful and worrisome that I woke up feeling sick to my stomach. Don't really remember what it was about.

The good news is that later last night/this morning as part of a big dream involving me living in a weird apartment/dorm complex I ended up running out the door without pants on (underwear, shirt, no pants, go figure), and when I realized my error, instead of dying of embarrassment, I decided to play it cool, so I plastered a big smile on my face and ran back home as if I had meant to do it. I think the fact that no one was laughing at me helped me retain composure, but still. If it means that that degree of mettle is already swimming around my subconscious, I've got to go pull it out.

In other news, I'm seriously considering some sort of self-imposed moratorium on electronic communication, just for a few days, for the sake of my mental and emotional well-being. There are a few unhealthy habits I'm trying to break, and that's not going to be possible if I've got my digital IV drip going 24/7. So we'll see if it has to come to that.

For now, it's off to the hammery, where I'm not even special enough to see real hams. Sigh.


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