Saturday, October 22, 2005

one more wish to you

Apparently I'm so good at checking other people's math and entering inventories that I've been asked to come back to Honeybaked next week. Oh yes. I am moving up in the world. I tell you, I've gots da mad temp0r skillz.

No, but seriously, my dad's new associate (did I tell you he hired a japanese doctor? totally gonna practice on him) has a patient who imports anime and sells it to Cartoon Network. I'm not getting any hopes up, but maybe I can weasel my way into something better than ham.

I saw the video for "my humps" today. *groan*

ps--I was wrong, they do have free samples. in the fridge. their turkey is better than their ham, imho.

pps--I have renewed artistic inspiration. here's hoping it lasts.


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