Sunday, October 23, 2005

it's not that I'm so busy,

it's that I have nothing to say because nothing's going on.

This morning my dad gave me an introduction to the Art of Pruning.

Dad: green thumb
Mom: black thumb (<--her sister also has a black thumb, but her mom is queen of ikebana/bonsai/growing things in general...what would that be, like, two green thumbs?)

Maybe I won't kill things like my mom, if the talent skipped a generation.

Kina got a new corn snake called Jeremy Fisher, so now Hubert has a friend. This is all your fault, Dan.

I joined 43 things and 43 places. One more way to waste time online, but hopefully this one will inspire me to get off my butt. (In fact, one of my 43 things is "get off my butt." A little bit of irony there.)


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