Tuesday, October 18, 2005

I am a monkey.

or something.

First day on the job=barely worth writing about. I'll keep it short so you don't die of boredom.

It's at Honeybaked Ham's corporate office, and happens to be right next door to a prison I didn't even know existed. I thought that was funny.

It's a very tiny office, full of only a handful of employees (and another temp twice my age), including some old people, some 30ish females, and one late 20s guy who doesn't seem to do anything all day but purchase and install new lamps around the office. Dress code, well, isn't, really.

I spent the day putting together things to be mailed to their retail stores. Fun thing: got to play with the postage-by-phone machine. Hooray for feeding envelopes and labels through a speedy little printer! My fingers are raw from all the sticky.

I also got to sit in the VP's chair since he wasn't in today. All the people in the office who didn't meet me looked really surprised when they saw a little girl sitting in the comfy exec's chair in the big office. Heh, heh. Should have pretended I was the new boss.

Also, there are plastic pointy things called "Nylon Prongs" which hold the hams when you cook them. I had to fill forty envelopes with fifty each of these little buggers from out of a giant box (and filled my hands with fiberglass-type...fibers...of nylon or something) by guesstimating how much my fist could hold (I did an average over several test grabs...just to be scientific) so I wouldn't have to kill myself counting out fifty each time. There were two left over. I took them as souvenirs. I'm pretty sure I'll never find a good use for them.

I also did mind-numbing things like separating the pink, yellow, and white sheets from huge stacks of that old-fashioned printer paper with the tear-off feed holes on each side. I retained my sanity by making each task a test of how fast and efficient I could be. I wanted to frustrate my superior by making her hiring of a temp more work than if she'd done it herself, simply because I'd finish each job so quickly she wouldn't have time to do any of her own work before she needed to give me something new to do.

So I didn't *really* want to frustrate her, but that was sort of what I was going for.

Apparently tomorrow I get to check some math in Excel (read: select cells, click "SUM", draw check-mark on piece of paper, rinse, repeat). At least I'll get to listen to my ipod. Or at least they haven't told me to stop yet.

Thrilling. But hey, I'm a huge fan of menial labor, as long as I know I have alternative methods of making a living available to me should I choose to pursue them.

May your night be exhilarating and productive.



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