Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Casting quarters into wells that hold our dreams

Today was a good day because I swam this morning, and I had a good hair day. (har har--you think that's funny, but it's true.)


Does anyone remember the sitcom from the 80s or 90s where after closing time a bunch of mannequins would come to life?


Here's a question for you East-Coasters:

Do you get orb spiders in the pre-snow fall? Because if you don't, that seals the deal. New England has at least a solid 25% of my loyalty. I already really liked the fall there, but not having to worry about walking through giant spider webs (it seems the center is always at eye level, so you focus on the spider right as it's two inches from your nose) would make it the undisputed winner of that contest. There's no doubt that I find my winter much more convenient, and my summer is not sticky like yours, and my spring lasts longer than Hanover's (longer than 2 weeks isn't hard to do, though), but win, New England. That is, if you don't get the spiders. If you do, well, then, the jury's still out. (That's okay, though, because it's probably still at 20% with or without the spiders.)

It seems my life's become much more boring since I've started being out of the house from eight thirty to five thirty every day. Sigh. That artistic motivation I mentioned earlier is dead already. It took about three hours. Oh well. It'll come back. At least all this time spent sorting dailies from thirty stores into piles on the floor (it's great--it's like cleaning someone else's room, which is something I'm quite fond of) keeps me from thinking too much about other things. ...kind of. When it gets too mindless it's daydream city. :
Odd, last night I dreamt of Whitney again, except this time we had a huge conversation about how she stayed behind when her family moved to Arizona (I don't know if she did or not, but they did), and it was cool, because I hadn't talked to her in a long time and she's a neat person. I wonder why in the world I've been dreaming about seeing her again. (We used to have the best wars against her little brother and his friend. We didn't have nerf guns at home but she had a whole box full, so we'd get the walkie talkies and a stack of guns and hide out on the hillside and engage them in all-out firefights. It was majorly sweet. I really, really want to try paintball, except that I'm afraid of getting hit from close up and bruised. I used to love playing laser tag, and my favorite thing to do was snipe from close up. I'm a big fan of guerilla warfare. I had terrible sportsmanship because I used to hide behind things and sneak behind my enemies and then shoot them in the back from where they couldn't see me. I get such a rush from being the unseen warrior. Heh, heh. There's nothing better than hearing "wait, what the heck? who just shot me?" Wow, that was a freaking long and random aside.)


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