Saturday, October 08, 2005


There are college freshmen and high school seniors making foil/masking tape skulls in the garage, and I can hear their Jethro Tull through my floor.

No car + no friends in town = SO BORING!!!!!!! I helped my sister find a dress and get ready for Homecoming tonight, but other than that, the most exciting parts of my day are going grocery shopping or to the bank with my mom and watching movies sometimes at night. My dad thinks I'm a total slug, and I sort of am! There's NOTHING TO DOOOOOOO...aside from work on my resume, of course. :) He offered to play Spite and Malice, but I'm too lazy to get out the cards........arrgghhhh! This house is PARALYZING MEEEE!!!!!!

I think it's time for a movie. Or maybe I should go to Golden Spoon and get some frozen yogurt, even though I didn't work out today. At least it's something to do.

Hooray for broadcasting my ennui over the intarweb!


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