Saturday, October 08, 2005


Every time I've been to Blockbuster lately they haven't had Magnolia in. There's only one copy, so I hope someone didn't keep it and they didn't bother to replace it. : \ In its stead I rented Little Women since I hadn't seen it in a while, but when I got home I was looking through our video collection and realized that (as I had suspected) we already had it on VHS. :\ Thank goodness for class-action suits and free rental coupons, I suppose. In my search I also realized, to my delight, that we owned The Princess Bride on VHS, as well as Bedknobs and Broomsticks and just about every Disney Movie ever made (up until they started to get lame). I also found out that while I was away at school we bought a lot of great movies on DVD like Donnie Darko (non-director's cut...haven't seen that yet, should be interesting to see what it felt like without the book scenes and such), Big Fish, and KIDS (which I've been meaning to see for a while).

Also, today Emi gave me an autographed paper plate that she got when Nickel Creek played at the MV lake. Yay! :)


Blogger AMIR SHOHAM said...

if your life is good now
why do you think its not real?
matbe this ia just right for you?
hope you find the real you

11:18 AM  
Blogger AMIR SHOHAM said...

sorry for the mistakes:

11:20 AM  

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