Friday, October 07, 2005


There's nothing like a great lead. But let me rewind.

Tonight I went to go meet Hiwi (hillary, my sophomore year roommate and swing dancing pal) in Pasadena at the Lindy Groove. It was supposed to be a good opportunity to blow off steam, and it was. As I was leaving the house, I noticed that the moon and a planet were hanging unbelievably brightly in the sky. The moon was a narrow orange crescent and several inches below the planet, so it looked as if the former were hanging from the latter. It almost looked like a dangly earring you might find in a store that sells ugly jewelry, except that this was really pretty. (However, when I drove home after midnight I noticed that the moon had moved out of view, so it makes sense that it wouldn't have been visible three time zones over from me at the time I saw it.)

I was also really impressed with my iPod, because on the way up I heard CoCa four or five times (I probably have 30 or 40 songs out of 3800 or so of them, so pretty neat). However, I didn't hear them once on the way down. Also on the way up I was parked on the freeway for ten minutes while a police helicopter used its giant searchlight to look for the "run" in a hit and run that had just happened.

The dance itself was amazing. Let me say it again, there's nothing like a great lead. Even when I'm rusty as all get-out a really good lead can make me feel like I've been dancing my entire life. There was Roy and Mike and J.P. and some other people, including, in the order that I danced with them (this is funny, really): Steve, the "class act" Hillary dated for two months prior to a week ago, who was stylistically amazing, a really strong lead, and said I was "f**cking fun as hell," Eric, a tall guy and really good dancer from out of town who asked me to dance several times even though I embarrassed myself through most of it, and Dan, one of Hillary's friends with whom I was only lucky enough to dance to one slow recovery song, but he's ridiculously clean and smooth in his lead and I barely felt like I was working at all. I did my fair share of dancing like a complete idiot, and I even elbowed one of the founders of the Lindy Groove in the face, and I was red-faced and out of breath and sweaty the whole night, but I had a ridiculously good time. Hillary is the queen of style, as always...I wish my feet were as free as hers to float around as they please.

On the way home I noticed how nice it felt to put on cruise control and stretch out my legs in front of me as I steered with a few fingers of one hand down a mostly empty six-lane-plus-carpool freeway. I remembered that I really like the song Caring is Creepy, and I thought of this question again:

Just what is it that Meatloaf won't do for love? I've never really paid enough attention to catch that part. Is it the line about "forgetting what she feels like" or something? Hmm. Too lazy to even look up the lyrics.

The worst part of going out is coming home. The part of the drive home that you do every time no matter where you're coming from. On the one hand doing it at 1 am with almost no cars on the road and good music isn't that bad, but I find myself getting impatient when I start seeing familiar streets. Until then it's sort of an adventure, but once I'm back on the 5 south going through Irvine and then passing Alicia, El Toro, La's almost unbearably boring and I wish I could just be home already. But I digress.

As I was driving back up towards my house, I looked to where the moon had hung before, only to see empty dark blue sky. However, as if the night felt bad for moving the moon, when I looked back in the opposite direction I saw Orion, clear as day. I can only see the really bright stars from my suburbian house, so it was Orion (and the other major constellations nearby), all alone against a navy blue backdrop, without any extra little specks peppering the inside of his outline. It was neat, and almost fake-looking.

Now my feet are tired and I should take my contacts out and sleep. MmmI hope I sleep well tonight. I think I will.


PS--AH! Almost forgot to mention! Today I went to the asian market and found the best things ever. They're Japanese (of course, who else would come up with something so random), and they're called トレーニングスリッパ (training slippers). Imagine house slippers, and then cut off the heel part so it only goes over your foot and under the ball. I was able to read most of the Japanese on the bag, and it says that they're for training you to not only shift your weight forward into a more attractive position (think: wearing heels), but it also works your calf muscles like mad, slimming your ankles and giving you definition. I don't really need these, since luckily I didn't inherit Japanese daikon legs, but they were really cheap and it's pretty fun to walk around on your toes all day with good padding under the front of your foot. Plus I like having calf definition, so I figure it can't hurt. :) It's funny, because the bag says "ハードトレーニング用" (for hard training use) and I have no idea what exactly they mean by "hard." I was moments away from blowing a lot more money on a pillow that makes sitting seiza a lot less crippling, but I talked myself out of that one.


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