Wednesday, October 05, 2005


Slashdot says:
"eggegg is one of many readers to write to tell us that "Autodesk, of AutoCAD and 3dsmax fame, is reporting that it has signed a definitive agreement to acquire Alias, makers of Maya and MotionBuilder. Will Autodesk use the inherited expertise and codebase to finally develop their product line for the platforms most of their customer base would prefer, or does this mean the end of development of Alias products on OSX and Linux?"

NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! Wah wah wah wah wah wah! Maya is SO much cooler than 3dsMax. wah wah wah wah wah autodesk is poopy. They'd better not do anything stupid.

Also, I'm now "out of a job," so to speak. Emi is dropping math because it's making her break down at school (I kind of think it's a cheap move to start bawling at school/work in order to get out of getting in trouble/get sent home early...I know she's not doing it on purpose, but still...), so I'm no longer her tutor. This is actually a really really good thing, since A I'm no longer costing my parents money they shouldn't and really can't afford to be paying me to babysit my sister, and 2 this frees up my afternoons and evenings to get started looking for a real job.

Also, last night I woke up to a shaking bed only to find that my dog's legs were twitching in her sleep. Funny, since I had just told somebody that I'd never seen my dog have running dreams.

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