Tuesday, September 27, 2005


tonight, flying over the four corners, I flew over a lightning storm.

I have never seen anything so breathtakingly beautiful in my entire life. I would have stayed there above the clouds forever...I can't even describe the magic of it, nor the overwhelming sense of pure, unbridled peace I experienced while I watched brilliant white crystals burst into life in the sky beneath me, only to fade back into the gaping darkness moments later, dying as quickly as they had been born.

my ipod was kind enough to supply an appropriate soundtrack for the spectacle, including Duvet by Boa, Two Beds and a Coffee Machine by Savage Garden, and El Pendulo from Varekai (Cirque du Soleil), the latter being the most powerful of them all...and no doubt contributed to the transcendent atmosphere (like reading Blankets while listening to When You Say You Love Me by Josh Groban). the visuals were other-worldly-- imagine the sidewalk from the "billie jean" video, the one with square panels that light up when he steps on them, except that instead of a sidewalk it's a cloudscape, but an invisible one, since your entire field of view consists only of pure blackness, save for a few points of light on the ground visible through a break in the clouds. Then, suddenly, god himself lays a giant toe upon a patch of cloud, and a million volts of pure energy light the cloud from within, revealing a bubbly translucent terrain. Moments later the silver glow fades back into oblivion, priming the sky for another illumination. absolutely stunning.

Now, Death Cab is gracing my ears with Tiny Vessels, and I feel...integrated. no doubt all this will sound terribly cheesy in a few hours, which is why I wrote it immediately, but I just had to set this out there to remind myself that I have seen magic.


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