Friday, September 30, 2005

Something there is that doesn't love a wall

I just got back from a short repose taken against the back of our resident poet laureate. Quite comfortable, as I remembered, once you position yourself right. I sat for a bit with the headphones off, listening to the trees and soaking up every ounce of this atmosphere that I could. I could have fallen asleep if it hadn't been for the cold breeze. Also, when I got there, I saw a couple empty cans of Keystone, and as it didn't sit quite right with me I decided to remedy the problem. I moved the cans beside my own empty root beer bottle next to the rock I was sitting on, and as I was relaxing there I was in constant fear that the occasional passerby would see empty cans and a bottle on the ground next to some oddly-dressed girl sleeping on Robert Frost's back and I'd wake up to find myself in cuffs or something. I even ran through the procedure of proving my sobriety to any inquirers a couple of times in my head.

Afterwards I tried to do a rubbing of the line of the poem written on the statue, but since I didn't have chalk or charcoal I was forced to make an attempt using a rock and some dirt...needless to say it didn't really work. I managed to get "there is," but not much more.

To carry the garbage to the nearest trash can I needed to find a bag, since I didn't want to carry two muddy cans of beer down from the hill in broad daylight. Luckily one of my MacAddicts was still wrapped in plastic, so I emptied its contents and put the cans and bottle inside. Pulling trash out from between branches reminded me quite a bit of the afternoon I spent cleaning up a graveyard.

On the way back, I decided to go see if my professors were in Bartlett, so I made my way up to the third floor, only to find that the Toshoshitsu had been converted into a faculty office! Gah! That's so wrong! Wherever will underslept AMELL majors take post-kanji-quiz naps now? I made it to Dorsey's door and then I heard clicks from the door at the end of the hall (Ishida sensei) and freaked out because I knew I'd botch up if I had to speak to her so I tried to be as quiet as possible. Then after losing almost all of my nerve, I eked out three small knocks on the door before running away. (misa you are such an idiot for running from your best friend in the faculty at this school.) He wasn't in, so it's okay (it wasn't just my knock; I listened very quietly for life before I tapped), but still...shame on me.

Earlier today I sat on the hillside outside of Ripley and basked in the sun while doing a Su Doku puzzle in Dashboard (on cheat mode of course). I know i'm just feeding an idealized image by visiting in the early fall (and not having any classes or jobs to do), so it's easier for me to sit here and talk about how much I really do love this campus and wish I never had to leave, but's so beautiful here right now, especially compared to smoggy suburbia with its evenly spaced trees lining the highly-trafficked streets. When I go back I have to buckle down and find employment, probably in another version of suburbia or even slightly citified. This week is my last breath of fresh air, total peace, before my "real world" begins. Sometimes I wish I never needed to sleep so I wouldn't waste a single moment.

I wish I had a car so I could go apple-picking and get roasted corn in Queechee and explore little dirt roads in Vermont. Sigh.


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