Friday, July 01, 2005


First off, welcome to July.

Today: mildly productive. Got some things mailed.

This evening: saw Howl's Moving Castle, and by god it was absolutely gorgeous. Not to mention that once again Studio Ghibli has put together a perfect fairytale romance. It was perfect. I want to see it again. Only Japan could make a guy with pretty teardrop earrings and a nice gold necklace (and long hair) look handsome and masculine (unless it's Johnny Depp in Pirates, of course).

Later this evening: Adam's moving to SLO in a few days, so I met him and Hiwi at The Lindy Groove in Pasadena, which is actually just a borrowed Masonic Temple. Pretty cool building. Hillary looked good, and apparently lost 15 pounds, which is hard to believe since she's about 5 feet tall and didn't really look like she had 15 extra pounds on her before. Oh well. I think it's easier to control one's eating habits when one isn't living in a house with a giant pantry and an overflowing fridge. I only had an hour of dancing, but tonight was a good night. A good night is when I get asked to dance for at least half the songs (I spend a lot of time avoiding being asked so I can just peoplewatch), and the leads are good and patient with me (as in I don't screw up most of what they try to lead and we generally have a good time) and I feel like I'm following well despite my rustiness. A bad night is when the only people who ask me to dance are the worst dancers on the floor and all the good dancers ask everyone but me and I go home feeling like I want to quit swing forever. Sadly, good nights and bad nights are about 50/50, but tonight was excellent (there was a bit of go go dancing, with a little thriller thrown in, when the Austin Powers song came on and I found myself twisting with some random guy), so I'm happy. Then we went to Carrow's and hung out (and ran into Mr. Go-Go there, oddly enough. I think he's at least 28 or something...kind of creepy given he looks about 20) and I had a, and I quote, "Jumpy Monkey Sundae" (kind of ironic, aheh, given my post a few days ago). So called because it's coffee ice cream with bananas. MmmMMmmm. I was going to be good, but he broke me down with the temptation of an Oreo milkshake and when that wasn't available I had already lost the battle. In the parking lot Adam busted out his guitar for Hillary and serenaded us with some tunes, like Caedmon's Call, Toad the Wet Sprocket, Nickel Creek, Sean Watkins, Burlap to Cashmere, blah de blah etc. Harmonizing to Walk on the Ocean was re-had and it was good, although we were missing the high part (oh Kina where art thou?). I won't see him again unless I drive up to SLO, but then again he did graduate in '03 and I haven't seen him much since then so it's not like this'll be much of a change.

Something funny about dancing: several times I've taken boys to see me dance because it's a really important part of my life that I'd like to share with them. I also like to think that I've got at least a little bit of talent, so I suppose I hope to impress a bit, too. Mostly I just want them to be proud of me for being good at something. But every time I do that it only induces boredom or bad moods (from jealousy of my dance partner, I'm presuming), so I guess it's not as good of an idea as I usually think it will be. I guess I should stop. Or just make them learn to dance, too.

But now it's 4:15 in the morning (almost fell asleep on the hour drive home...ack), and I have no alarm (thanks, Emi), and a week to finish a website that hasn't been started, so I suppose I should get to bed. Good morning.


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