Monday, June 27, 2005


At around 9:30 I got hit by the most brutal case of dry-eyed fatigue ever. Now, almost 2 hours later, I'm finally ready for sleep but haven't done the one thing I was supposed to do that was keeping me from actually going to sleep all this time--write thank you notes. I also haven't updated about the end of the trip, which I said I'd do, but that's going to have to wait, too. Tomorrow is a famous Grannis map painting, and since it's a fresh map and there are only 4 of us it'll likely take 5 or 6 hours. At least I'll get a good tan out of it. But for now, sleep is in order.
I wish it were possible to meet up with friends in'd be a great way to see people without traveling, better than email and videoconferencing since you could actually do stuff, and almost better than reality because you could do things one can't actually do in real life. Just a daydream.


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