Sunday, June 26, 2005


I still don't have the energy or the proper state of mind to write with appropriate passion about the extremely eventful last two days of the trip. I'll do that tomorrow. I just got back from seeing Crash, which was recommended by my sister and the most powerful movie I've seen in a long, long time. It was really really difficult to watch a lot of the time, but it was also very well done and extremely powerful. Film buffs may disagree, but I'm not too picky as long as it moves me. This was the first movie to make me start bawling in my chair in a long, long time and it felt good. I haven't been able to cry when I've wanted to for too long, and breaking down in pseudo-public (technically surrounded by my parents and strangers but isolated by the curtain of darkness) was almost cathartic. I usually break into tears watching touching commercials, but lately I've been in a dry spell--a sort of emotional drought, perhaps--and tonight felt like I chipped away at a little corner of that wall keeping me from my old self.

So anyway, the movie goes highly recommended (and has an impressive cast of B-listers [and a couple As] to boot). Until tomorrow, I wish you only the best.


And please tell the whole world I am here
Here to be their hero


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