Thursday, June 23, 2005

Mmm...Hate subsiding

So, since posting my last jittery and angry entry, I returned to the Econo Lodge to find that, unlike the fully-rigged Holiday Inn Express, this joint had been thrifty and relegated their one wireless hub to the motel lobby (makes sense, doesn't it?), so now I'm sitting next to the future Continental Breakfast and feeling a lot less hostile towards this place. That plus I ate a Pink Lady apple to get the taste of the tuna wrap out of my mouth (who'da thunk I'd find those apples in New Mexico? I found them for the first time in Hanover, and that's the only place I've seen them before now). What would have been the cherry on top of the cake is if the Jacuzzi had been warm--see, when we got back from next door, the lights in the pool room were still on, and the 'cuz was still bubbling away, so we thought we might be able to sneak in without the front desk guy getting mad at us. We covertly put sweats over our bathing suits and hid our towels in our backpacks with our computers, got all the way down to the pool, placed our things gingerly on the plastic chairs, and found out that the heater had been shut off. :( Oh well. I might take a hot bath instead. Or a warm one. Or just a shower and say I took a bath. We'll see.

Oh yeah, this gives me a chance to say something I meant to say earlier but forgot on account of my guilty conscience. I've come to find that you can learn a lot about someone by the way they drive. It's not a personality-defining action, but it definitely sheds light on some aspects of one's person that wouldn't otherwise come to the forefront. Even if it's meaningless in the end, I find it fascinating nonetheless. I find that if I've known someone for a long time I start wanting to go driving with them if only to see how they do it. Do they sit close, far, have one or both hands on the wheel, do they hold it on top or at the bottom, is their seat slightly reclined or upright, what do they do with their left foot (you standard users excluded), how smooth are their turns, how smooth is their acceleration, if they do drive standard how smooth is their shifting, do they lean foward in their seat or let the seat cradle them, do they use their turn signal, do they drive recklessly, can they stay in their own lane, do they keep their eyes on the road, do they make you feel safe? You know, stuff like that. It's like watching someone play Nintendo. You could always tell the really skilled players from the ones who knew where to go and what to do but lacked finesse. When it comes to driving, by observing someone's style you don't necessarily alter your already existing opinion of them, but you end up tacking on an extra bit of info, as if sticking a post-it note in their file. It may also just be me, but personally, I like to see how my friends drive. I mean, aren't you curious?


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