Thursday, June 23, 2005

I hate Econolodge

Don't have a *ton* of time to talk at the moment, but here's a quick update:

Econolodge lies and rips me off. wah wah wah. So now I've been reduced to stealing wireless from the Holiday Inn Express next door, and I'm getting really nervous about having to lie if someone comes up to ask what we're doing sitting on the curb outside the back door (why aren't we doing this in our room?). I suggested "enjoying the warm night air," and Kina came up with "waiting for our parents to arrive," and I think hers is better, but I'm still a little bit nervous about it. :
So anyway, here's this to whet your appetite:

Road Trippin': Day 7

This morning we left Colorado Springs and went to see Garden of the Gods, which is basically a huge assembly of massive blades of red stone jutting out of the earth. Very pretty. Took a bunch of pictures. Then we drove down south out of Colorado into New Mexico, where we hit up our grandmother's cousin's ranch in Cimarron even though she wasn't going to be there. We crept around for a bit and eventually walked in to what we thought was her house until we found out it was some random business office, freaked out and ran away. Going further down the unpaved road we found another house, this time full of big scary dogs, and that turned out to be the wrong house, too. The real house was apparently even further down the road and is 100+ years old (=impressive for the west, so shut up you Easterners). Oh well. Next stop was Taos, a little pueblo totally cute and all adobe-esque. Saw some cows heading single file toward a parking lot on the way there, so we figured we had stumbled across the underground railroad of the bovine world and thus when we saw "Taos cow" ice cream in town we had to partake. For the cows' sake, of course. Obviously they were running to escape suffering and persecution, so we couldn't let their suffering have been in vain. We had lavender, and it was quite tasty. Thank you, Taos cows, and god be with you on your journey to salvation. One bad point about Taos was that they promised us free wireless in the town square but the signal was nowhere to be found. Being robbed of the wireless that was promised to us seems to be a theme for the day.

Now we're in Santa Fe, and all was going well until we got here. Got a little lost finding downtown, and when we finally found the Econolodge we had looked up online (which promised the lowest rate AND free wireless) they charged us more, didn't listen to us ask for a single bed, and didn't have wireless. So now we're stealing. :( On top of that, the jacuzzi which was to be their/our saving grace turned out to close fifteen minutes prior to our arrival. And, when we went to get a sandwich for dinner, it ended up being overly tangy and wholly unsatisfying. :( So sad. Oh well. Tomorrow we'll wander about town (provided we can find it) and then head down to see Jared in San Felipe Pueblo. I'd really like to go out to see the cliff dwellings but we'll see how the timing goes.

Three days left, and a lot left ahead of us (and sadly not very much moolah). Oh well, such is life. And when I get back I'll have to work my butt off to get that website done. Sigh. At least I'm getting paid for it, so it's technically a job, so I won't be wasting time before I head out to Morocco, at least.

We also saw the world's biggest dandelions. About 4 inches in diameter. Wish I could bring some back with me intact.


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