Wednesday, October 12, 2005


For an explanation of the subject line of this post, refer to the design of my new shirt:

I hate hormones, because they made me cry (a lot) while watching the prom queen episode of MADE on MTV. They turned this gothy punky hardcore angry Brittany Fontaine:

into this pretty in pink Brittany Fontaine:

and her prom dress looks a lot like one of mine, except fifty times cooler:

I actually really liked her beforehand (her dark hair with the blond chunks in the front is a style I would have done for myself in high school if my hair had been straighter, and the only thing keeping me from avril eyeliner is the shape of my eyes), and she's really pretty in general, but she looked good afterward, too. The big thing was that it brought her from zero self-confidence to a lot, and when her coach was having her recite self-affirmations into the mirror in the morning ("I am brittany fontaine, and I love and respect myself," "I am brittany fontaine, and I am a beautiful and caring goddess," and great stuff like that) half of me was scoffing at the ridiculousness of it all and half of me was busy being moved by the power of weird stuff like that (once in jazzercise class when I was going with my mom my small, kind of frumpy teacher told the class, regarding a little coffee party or something they were having [which I did not go to...I am not yet a middle-aged woman], "you don't need to bring anything except you and your beautiful bodies," and amidst all the silliness of that statement I actually teared up because her words slammed into me like a wrecking ball and for a split second I understood what she was saying and really, truly believed it, despite all my flaws--it was like a little moment of transcendence into the world of self-acceptance bliss).

But oh, when she tore up her speech and got all into it, the tears, they just wouldn't stop...(and then I realized that I am a moron and need to not watch TV when I'm "emotionally prone" like this)

are you all running as fast as you can in the opposite direction now? probably a good move. the more you get to know me...(look, I'm natalie portman in garden state! you're totally freaked out now, aren't you. you're, like, running for the door.)

In more relevant news, this morning I got myself all set up at the temp agency. I must say that the most stressful part was filling out the job history section. They expect you to know so much about them! Ack! I turned down a full time receptionist job starting tomorrow because I hate phones, but I'm sure that one day I'll be brave enough. I also embarrassed myself by doing kind of lame on the excel test because I kept forgetting I wasn't allowed to use keyboard shortcuts. It was also running on an ancient PC, so it took five hours to load each question. Sad thing is that I scored 87% accuracy on the Excel test but the national average was 67%. Heh. Typing speed wasn't bad, either. I'm definitely faster at typing from my head than from looking at something, though. The word test was laughable, and I did decent on the 10-key numeric data entry test. I'm all set to be a super duper data entry assistant! Yay!

: |


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