Sunday, September 25, 2005

Don't long for the past, long for what comes next

make me believe that all your good intentions
will offset all the wrong you've done...

I spent the past almost 24 hours hearing Kina play at the Knitting Factory (again) and playing with my sisters in Hermosa Beach, and these are the results:

1) For as long as I live, if I can help it, I will never again drive at night through downtown LA, or at least not through Hollywood when Pavarotti is doing his farewell tour at the Hollywood Bowl.

2) Kina sounds cool with a band, and looks cool when she plays standing up.

3) Kina looks cooler than Michael Jackson in Bad when she wears the $90 dollar jacket with the metal clips that she didn't buy at Re:Style.

4) Veda sounds much better when played very loud, but even then too much = headaches.

5) Emery sounds so nice until they start shrieking.

6) Spilling a full drink on the shop floor not moments after it's been handed to me is embarrassing, but nothing I can't handle, apparently.

7) Sometimes I am a great parallel parker, other times I fail miserably.

8) *ahem* The 22 year old brother of the 23 year old guitarist who played bass with Kina yesterday told Kina's best friend that he had fallen in love with [Kina] at first sight (and I'll bet the 23 year old is quite fond of her, too). I'm sure that felt great to hear, especially since she had to spend 4+ years feeling like her only guy friends were using her to get close to Kina. It's so good she has the best excuse in the world--a boyfriend--because otherwise she'd probably feel insanely guilty about having to explain to so many people why she's just not interested.

9) I bought tails (= a coat with tails), not because I'll ever find an opportunity to wear them, but because for $10 I just couldn't pass up something so cool.

10) It seems that when it comes to cities in LA, I either love it or I hate it. There's usually no in between.

...still I'll be screaming


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