Friday, September 16, 2005

What if I was someone different in your only history?

Sometimes I remember (or, most of the time I forget) that I've actually been in a car accident. Then I feel guilty for never writing that check I said I'd write. Now it would qualify as a late wedding present, but...I should really do that, since it was because of me that we were driving from the airport through that blizzard. Huh. It's weird how we can forget such significant events. Maybe I forget it because it was included within the packaging of a block of my life that I've now put behind me, so in moving beyond all of that stuff I inadvertently put the accident away, too. Then again, it would make more sense to say that accidents are by nature traumatic events, and we have a knack for filing away such events in the deep dark recesses of our memories so we don't have to keep being reminded of them. I think both explanations apply here, really.

When I start posting 3x/day it means I really have too much time on my hands.

(Updating my facebook profile several times a week is also a bad sign.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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7:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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7:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, look at all these friendly fellow "bloggers" commenting on your post...

8:29 PM  
Blogger Sassafrassy said...

heh, heh...that took care of that.

5:50 PM  

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