Wednesday, August 31, 2005


What I get for spending all day refreshing the LJ images feed:

-somuchcute it should be illegal (thank you john kalb)
-very funny to those who are familiar with myspace
-some people are very clever
-found this amusing
-perhaps the best t-shirt design I have ever seen
-important life lesson
-I want to escape here for a little while

Stuff I got from Kevin:

-Thank you Kevin for this: DDR + Fire = brilliant/stupid?
-Darth vader + Cheese = ?
-Because I never got around to it
-You've gotta admit this is kind of funny (but then again I think anything that contains the word "n00b" is funny)
-And finally, the Best Thing Ever: Zombies v. LARPers

Despite my tolerance and usual easygoingness, things that make me really angry:

-The Man Show
-Any use of the word "jugs" or any derivative thereof (or the t-word for that matter) used in reference to any part of the female anatomy
-Adam Carolla
-Any mention of "girls on trampolines" that is not made by a gymnastics instructor
-That show where they set themselves on fire and stuff...what is it? Oh yeah, Jackass.
-To a lesser extent, reality shows like Laguna Beach
-Adam Carolla
-When they publish an article in Cosmo explaining when it's okay to "ask your man if you're exclusive" ...or maybe I've just never done it that way before. Seems odd.
-The Man Show


Anonymous Anonymous said...


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