Saturday, September 10, 2005

mac lust

I'm surprised I haven't been kicked out of any apple retail stores yet for fondling the computers (namely the 30" displays). Really, it verges on obscene. (Few things can make me feel as if my heart is aching with joy as it overflows with everything good in the world, and apple stores are one of them. my dog is another. It's like being high or something, I'd imagine. I think I scare the employees because I just walk in circles around the store, petting things with a silly grin on my face, for way longer than is normal. In Ginza, Japan I showed up several days in a row to bask in its five stories of glory, ride in their pretty glass elevator--like charlie! except we didn't go into space--and steal their free internet from their bar of computers on the 4th floor, and by the end of it I was getting some pretty concerned looks.)

I think something must be wrong with me. (The nano media event video made me teary-eyed, of course...sigh. just stop talking to me right now, seriously.)

They had the nanos today, and I'm in love. My theory is that the black nano is a test to see how the public reacts to black, and if it's good, maybe we'll see a black ibook or something one day. that would rock my socks off. Also, I'd never played with an iPod photo before, and honestly I didn't see the appeal, but I played with the function on the nano and realized that it's actually pretty darn cool. I'm also really, really impressed with their continued ability to make everything intuitive--the navigational controls for the photos work exactly as you think they should, and the pictures, albeit small, look great. The thing can fly through the images when you scroll, too. yay.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you're such a mac-o-phile :) it's kinda cute, really :P I like your new template, btw :)

10:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ha ha

12:07 AM  
Blogger Sassafrassy said...

why thank you daniele...isn't that a girl's name? ;)

12:17 AM  

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