Friday, September 16, 2005

Give 'em the story they want you to

The problem with unemployment (I hate to call it that--rather refer to it as "taking a break" after college, but it's the truth, after all) is that I sit here every day, without a car, with nothing to do but wake up late, read blogs, play DDR, get in trouble for not doing housework, and eventually tutor my sister in math. Then at night I watch 24 with my parents, and then I sleep. It's a stifling existence, really. Thus far I've always had something to do, whether it be the website, some sort of project for someone, cleaning my room...and technically I actually have stuff to be doing right now (finishing the designs for my uncle's business cards, updating my resumé, actually applying for jobs, updating my dad's site, etc) but I seem to have lost my motivation, and...

I finally feel that lassitude that so typifies the fabled existence of the college grad who moves back in with the folks. For a while I was riding the top of the wave and didn't believe I'd ever have a hard time getting off my feet, but finally the board has slipped down the backside of the crest and I'm gradually slowing to a halt, staring at ambition and initiative roll on towards the shore. Life has become dangerously stale. I sense now that it would be ridiculously easy for me to become completely stagnant and settle into an empty routine. My parents would never allow that to happen, of course (I received an email from my mother last night, for example, which chided me for not pulling my own weight...which felt odd, to say the least, since she was sitting just downstairs from me at the time), so if nothing else they'll be the ones to force me into action. Also, as lazy as I have been known to get I do have a limit after which point I get disgusted with myself and get moving, so I really don't have too much to worry about, it's just a little disconcerting to feel this state of nothingness settle onto me. Granted, a large part of my (un)motivation to get a jump start on my job search in earnest has been that I don't want to get any interview offers when I could potentially be in Hanover. I'd prefer to be home for good when I start really digging my heels in. Also, it has been nice to take it easy, since this is really the buffer between my academic life and my working life. However, the novelty has begun to fade (probably because I have zero social life--all my friends are either in a different state or far enough away that I can't get there with my nonexistent car, and I'm not about to buy one when gas prices are this high, I have no income, and I have no idea if I'll even need one where I end up working), and the accumulating domestic responsibilities are reminding me of how much I enjoyed my pseudo-independence.

I think I'll enjoy having my own place. I already have dreams of eating lots of somen 素麺 and having my own netflix account. :) I just can't figure out where on earth that might be--LA and San Diego are both 1-2% more expensive to live in than OC, San Francisco is *gulp* 40% more expensive (no joke, cost of living is that high), Seattle is significantly higher, which leaves the east coast on my list of potential workplaces (and Boston and New York are no cheaper than the west coast spots, plus I was kind of hoping to avoid snow for a little bit--though I will admit I miss the seasons already). Basically, I either have to get a really nice-paying job or work in the midwest, which is not really a possibility. I don't want to stay here, really...I wouldn't mind, but it's so much nicer a little farther south (or some places north, for that matter). I wonder if it's any cheaper in other parts of the bay area--palo alto, for example. Hmm. Someplace still reachable by BART. We'll see. Number one on the list is still a job, and everything else shall follow accordingly.

Also, today, I accidentally started thinking about old things again, and it made me decently upset, which was unfortunate. If I had some way to pass the time I wouldn't have so many chances to wander through the storage spaces of my mind...sigh.

ps-the dictionary says both "toward" and "towards" are acceptable, though the first is the standard. Phew!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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4:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

um...russian women?

10:47 AM  

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