Thursday, July 21, 2005


Some people baffle me with their ignorance:

(From the Orange County Register, in an article about a vet who wrote a book about the sex lives of animals, these are quotes from real pet owners.)

If I neuter my Siamese cat, will his eyes uncross?

I have a male chauvinist cat. He refuses to help care for his kittens once they are born. What can I do to increase his involvement in bringing up baby?

Where can I buy perfume to make my dog sexier? I am trying to breed her but when the owner of the stud brought him over to my house, all the male dog wanted to do was jump around and play with my dog's toys.

I only let my dog out during the day. How can she be pregnant?

I heard that there are birth control pills for dogs. I gave my dog some of mine, but she still got pregnant. Should I give her two a day instead of one?



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