Friday, June 17, 2005

A long, long day

Road Trippin': Day 1

Wow. Let me tell you why I'm tired.

I woke up at 2:30 in the morning after a few hours of sleep (which happened to be full of ponytails and disappointment, strangely enough) to catch a bus at 3:30. Tilmann, our savior, drove us to the stop to avoid the ominously sprinkling proto-raindrops. After an Amelie-soundtrack themed drive in the front seat of the bus, we waited in the Manchester airport for an hour for Eric (savior #2) to arrive, who then drove us in the direction of our lonely vehicle. After much confused navigation through Fits--Fitch--that place where Justin used to go to school, we made it to a Bickford's somewhere and I enjoyed some rather nutty pancakes (while Kina ate only two eggs and made me feel piggy yet again). Eventually (by 9:30ish) we made it to the car (whose rear end is coated in squished bugs--we know which direction it was facing on the truck) and got on our way. We drove through beautiful stretches of Mass and Connecticut, only to remember that it's only this pretty for small portions of the year. Oh well. At least here you get three different kinds of pretty (but one of those comes along with inconvenience and another with yucky humidity) instead of the one year-round kind you get back at home. :) We made it to Nyack ( by 2 or so and were on a train into the city by 2:45. There we met up with Justin (Kina's HS friend) and set off on our journey.

We saw Rockefeller Center, Times Square, Central Park, the UN building, Grand Central Station, and Columbus Circle today. It wasn't much, but after the day we had (I did all the driving) my feet are about to boycott my body and take a vacation to Florida, and I myself am ready to collapse. Tomorrow we'll visit the Columbia campus, go down to Greenwich Village/SoHo/TriBeCa, Chinatown, maybe walk across the Brooklyn Bridge, maybe take the Staten Island ferry to see the statue of liberty (without paying to go to Ellis Island :P), We'll see.

This evening we met up with Kenny and Julia and I got to hear the story of his proposal. I must say, I was impressed. I wasn't aware he had that much capacity for romantic creativity in him, but I suppose true love will bring out the best in people, right? :) I was jealous for a moment that I'd never get such an amazing and thoughtful proposal, but Julia made a good point--everyone thinks theirs was the most special in the world, since everyone's is such a personal experience. And that's what's important. That it's someone who knows you better than anyone else in the world and that the moment is your own personal memory--both yours and his--and the fact that it belongs only to you and to nobody else is what makes it absolutely priceless.

Ah, time for sleep before I don't make it to the "Submit" button. Goodnight, all, and take care. Dream beautifully.


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