Thursday, June 16, 2005

Still at the big green...

First off, now I'm simultaneously updating both this blog and a new Livejournal account, trying to figure out which I like better. I'm fond of the color customizability and moods/music features of the LJ, but I really like this template. We'll see who comes out on top in the end...

Kina and I were supposed to leave here on Monday afternoon, but the car shipped much slower than it was supposed to, and in fact is at this moment sitting in a parking lot in Worcester, Mass, where it's been since monday. They don't intend to deliver it here until Saturday. So, instead, we'll be heading down friday morning to pick it up, and from there we'll be on our way. First stop is a family friend's place in Nyack, which we'll use as a point of departure to head into the city. We'll have all of Saturday to explore as well. Sunday morning we'll head to Cleveland where we'll catch one of our favorite musical groups in concert, and on Monday we'll be making our way to Iowa via Chicago. Long drives but we'll be able to stop as we see fit. :) Tuesday on to Nebraska (to wherever we find a suitable stopping point), Wednesday on to Denver, Thursday down to my grandmother's cousin's ranch in Cimarron, New Mexico (near the northern and eastern edge), Friday down to see a friend in San Felipe (near Santa Fe) NM and on to Arizona where we'll see the meteor crater and the painted desert/petrified forest, and Saturday early morning we'll be watching the sun rise over the grand canyon. For the rest of the day we'll see Bryce Canyon and Zion National Parks, and if we feel up to it trying to get to Las Vegas by nightfall. Sunday will be our four and a half hour drive home, after which point I'm sure we'll be collapsing for a few days. :) Kina, unfortunately, has to return to temping (which I should strongly consider doing in the month and a half I'll have at home), but I think I'll be needing some napping. :)


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