Tuesday, June 14, 2005

I knew it!

Fate works in strange ways. Lately I've been getting more and more into the mindset that things tend to work out eventually, and there are few decisions you can make (save the drastically terrible ones) that can significantly alter the course of the life you're trying to lead. I don't necessarily believe in "fate" in the religious sense...I don't think there's a set plan for me that I'm only here to fulfill, I just think that a lot of the little things aren't really worth crying over because in the end it always works out. And in some cases, like yesterday, they work out for the better, and then you tip your hat at the universe, smile, and take another step forward.

Since the car's still not here, we decided to visit India Queen for dinner (I had me a craving for some nan). When I walked through the door, who should be there but a whole slew of old school Taus whom I'd completely forgotten about but would have been crushed to have missed seeing before I left. Blair, Sarah/Sashka and 8 month old Devon were there, Zeb, Mark Barolak, Svava (apparently engaged?), Naomi, Galen and 'Stine, Tilmann, and eventually Eric Kidd, his little french other half, and Brian Campbell showed up. Nice surprise, and I'm now kind of glad the car was late. So thanks, universe. *tip*

But ask me again in a week--if the car's not here by then, I may have some choice words to exchange with our friend the universe.

-ps: I watched Rushmore for the second time and liked it a lot more. I really, really like Wes Anderson.


Blogger Sassafrassy said...

Yeah, and she's *quite* a human being. :)

3:23 PM  

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