Monday, June 13, 2005


I'm laughing right now, for several reasons.

One, I knew I'd never update this. I had even completely forgotten about that last (first) post. However, since I was looking for a host for my post-grad blog, and happened to have this sitting around, I do believe I'll evolve it to suit my purposes. I'll have to change the description, but those who have seen it before will remember what it said, and those who haven't, well, it's probably better that way.

Two, and I don't know why I expected anything different from such an abnormal term, but the car that was supposed to be carrying Kina and I to New York right now is supposedly still somewhere in Massachusetts, and won't be here for another three or four days. That means cutting out a few stops and driving a little faster, but at least I can look at all this and say that it's only more of a reason to make this trip again in the future. It's not my mom's fault--she doesn't understand the intricacies of online comparison smart-shopping--although with a few google searches she could have learned that the company she chose to ship the car was one on a black list of scam moving companies. At this point I'm still crossing my fingers and hoping it shows up at all.

At any rate, at least I now have a bit of a transitional period during which I can come to terms with the thought of leaving this campus. Lonely as it may be, it's almost better that no one else will still be here, because it'll cut out the painful and teary (maybe? knowing me lately that's not really a given) goodbyes and leave only me silently adjusting to my post-Dartmouth status.

Hopefully I will actually be updating this semi-regularly, although during the trip I may not have much of a way to get online. I'd like this to serve as a way for people to stay connected to me despite my knack for getting distracted and not emailing. Let's just hope it works.

Let's also hope that car shows up.


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