Monday, November 15, 2004

The Christening

And a gentle shattering sound, as I break an imaginary bottle of diet Sparkling Apple Cider against the figurative liner that is this blog, as it prepares to launch into the simultaneously fantastic and harrowing journey that is my life.

This blog will be yet another attempt at forcing me to log my life, so that I may look back when I am old and gray (or perhaps silver--whee!) and laugh at my naivete. Whether it will be private, in the character of my previous digital diaries, or open to the eyes of my friends and loved ones, remains to be seen. For now, I shall say goodnight, and goodbye.

(Since really, the only reason I made this was because I'm procrastinating...and I'll I've done is prove I have a penchant for passive voice and run-on sentences.)


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