Wednesday, July 13, 2005


After having my blood drawn however many times last year, I must say that shots suddenly seem much less terrible. Still far from okay, but not as world-ending by far.

Today my dad and I took the boat out (finally), and realized that the once-125-pound 14' racing sailboat had suddenly become a 300 pound oversized anvil. A small crack in the hull (which we patched last week) turns out to have been the inlet for 15 or 16 gallons of water to seep into the hull itself, leaving us several inches lower in the water and hard pressed to move it about on land. We're going to have to drill a couple of holes and drain it for a bit :\. Oh well. I did manage to get it down the lake and back, despite the terrible and inconsistent wind conditions one finds on a small, frequently-inletted manmade lake. Hopefully when I get back from Hawaii it'll be back to its original weight and I'll be able to take it out solo. Now *that* is my idea of a good time.

Then again, having someone to hang off the edge as we keel over a good 50 degrees in a strong wind is fun, too.


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