Sunday, July 10, 2005

back from the dead

Well, for anyone wondering where I've been for the past few days (five, to be exact), it's here:

That represents five consecutive 12 hour days locked in my room living off of nectarines and water and losing feeling in my legs. Five days of hating GoLive, loving my Wacom tablet, and cursing Firefox. (But really, most of the work got done in the last two or three days, and all the cursing was much more concentrated within that time.) Five days of shunning family and friends. And now, thanks to the technically savvy and on-the-go programming skillz of a certain Mr. Peebles, it's at least mostly up and running. I Linkstill have the photos to thumbnail and set up as well as a forum and blog to make a template for before I let them go public, plus a few minor kinks here and there (and I know where they are so there's no need to inform me :P). But, the key is that it's up there and that's a relief and a half. I didn't think I had it in me to actually design a visually appealing website, but I suppose this one is much better than my dad's site I did a few years back ( -- but that WAS a professional site so my creativity allowance was much smaller), thanks in no small part to having live tech support this time around.

In summary, I almost killed the world last week, but now everything's a little bit better. In the coming days I've got a lot of stuff to take care of, a potential day trip to San Diego, a sailing outing tomorrow (and apparently also a swim in the scary manmade lake in Mission Viejo where our little boat is stored), and lots and lots of unpacking. Bleh. Hopefully I'll get a few movies in while I'm at it.

Peace out.

ps--I know there are a few of you who are going to go straight to the source to look at the man behind the machine, and to you I have this to say:
I appreciate your comments and suggestions, but please, go easy. I know it's still a little broken/incomplete/slow, and I know that a lot of the code is ugly (thanks, golive), and I'm working on it. :) So if I get any emails with long bulleted lists of things to fix/add/remove, I'm gonna have to bring out the brute squad. :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

yowza. i know i don't know any geekspeak, but i am SO impressed with this.

and when can we hang out? i miss you!


11:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would leave a rather long list of you-know-what...but the "brute" squad sounds so I think I'd rather not. I just love geekspeak, and I hate blogging services that don't allow for more complex html...why can't we all be like livejournal?

1:50 AM  

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