Monday, July 11, 2005

Thoughts on cooking.

I had to make dinner tonight because my mom had to leave, and I actually did a good job at it. Meaning I didn't botch it. I took a ton of cooking classes in Japan, but I couldn't really understand most of the instructions/recipes, so I was more of a kitchen helper and don't really feel I came out of it a master chef. So tonight was a happy surprise. While I don't feel that I'm particularly gifted at the culinary arts, I do feel that with practice I could be quite good, and that if given a recipe I could make anything you asked me to, just not necessarily as beautifully as someone who knows what they're doing. While I was cooking, I started thinking--earlier I said that I thought a person's driving style said a lot about them. Well, something I find equally interesting to learn about someone is their level of cooking expertise. Especially among guys. Only because it's something that is so typically associated with the fairer sex.) It's kind of like being good at dancing. They're life skills that, while seemingly marginal, actually carry a significant weight. They will never define one's opinion of another, nor can they break it (although they can make it), but they can act as a ten-pound cherry on top of that person's sundae. So yeah--I like to know how my friends drive, cook, and dance. They're very interesting aspects of a person's whole that rarely (except for the driving) get exposed to the public eye.


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