Thursday, November 24, 2005


I just got back from the turkey trot.  For someone completely out of shape and an anti-runner, a time of just over 38:18 for a 5K is not so bad.  At least I beat Kina's 10K time of 44 something (how someone runs 5+ consecutive 7 minute miles is beyond the super runners do it even faster is just insane). I haven't run that since senior year of high school. I was supposed to run it junior year when I was off in the fall, but I got sick. (Sorry, Eric.) That also means that I haven't run it since I've owned an iPod. I must say, it made the whole thing much more enjoyable. (Especially when some Ministry of Sound thing came on at the end and propelled me to the finish line with its synthesized driving glory.)

The pies came out last night after I'd gone to bed, so I took pictures this morning before the run.

Mine is in the foreground.  So I was thinking, let's pretend we're taking the SAT again.  Verbal.  Answer the following:

Apatosaurus:Apple Pie::__________:Pumpkin Pie

Finally I decided that while not nearly as cool as a dinosaur, an elephant would do quite nicely.  Then I found a round cookie cutter and decided to make it an "African Desertscape" with a giant moon hovering above said elephant like they do in the movies.  Then I decided to add a little star for effect.  Now it's a little over the top, I think, but hey, I like the night sky and there's nothing wrong with elephants, so so be it.  My mom opted for something a bit more traditional.

The little dots are from air bubbles that rose out of the fork punctures we made on the bottom of the crust.  My pie was also the victim of some knife-poking my mom did to test its "readiness".

I'm going to shower now, and then we're all heading north, to my aunt's house in San Marino, where some of my cousins will talk about partying, others will share some smalltalk, my uncles and dad will go play on the computer, I will have to talk about my job, and inevitably I will find someplace quiet to hide where I won't have to talk to too many people.

Tonight we're spending the night up there.  I may still try to go insane at some of the black friday sales (that AD box set is so tempting), because as long as I have my book and ipod I think I can brave the flying elbows and long lines.  We'll see.  Depends if someone's willing to face the traffic and drop me off.

Over and out.  Happy turkey day.


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